It's been so long little blog!! I have been so busy with school and work the past two weeks that I haven't found time to blog at all....
Good news: I DID IT!!!! First two weeks under my belt!!!! I got placed at a low-income school and I absolutely LOVE it. I thought I would hate it, I really did. Nope nope nope!! The minute my little (actually they are quite big, I am so short) 4th graders walked into the room, I felt SO much love for them. It was insane how much love and compassion I felt just leaping towards each of them. I knew it was my Jesus, I knew He was just loving them so much. It felt so good! Every morning, the Lord gives me so much energy for those kids. I love them so much already and it's only been two weeks!! I know without a doubt that I was made for this. I was made to teach. And the Lord has just blessed my socks off the past two weeks.
Second awesome thing: my parents fence caught on fire (they don't know how) and the Lord protected them from the whole house burned down!! You can read it on my mom's
Facebook. The morning I found out, I was overwhelmed by emotion because they could have died but mainly because I was so thankful. SO thankful for protection! So thankful for our neighbor who happened to be smoking late that night and saw it!! WHOO HOOO JESUS ROCKS!!!!
Third awesome thing: this makes me cry every time I think of it. People started a fun run for my family. AH so humbling and SUCH a blessing and SO amazing. I have never experienced this before but the amount of people who have showed interest is overwhelming to me. The random people that barely know us and want to help. Coming home from a long day at school and finding my roommate inviting everyone she knows to the event on Facebook.
WHAT A BLESSING!!! I feel so helplessly loved. So undeservedly loved! If you want more info, you can look at the
There are just too many awesome things to write out. Blessings every day. People are so cool. I wish I could hug everyone and tell them,
COME ON JESUS LOVES YOU!!!!!!! At church this past week they put John 3:16 up on the screen and it just hit me. That verse is SO powerful and growing up in a Christian environment, I guess I became immune to it or something.
“For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him."-John 3:16-17
One thing remains
: His love never fails, it never gives up, it never runs out on me!!! Get that song.