
thankful list.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Sometimes when I feel the tendency to be ungrateful is far outweighing my tendency to appreciate, I try to make a thankful list. I struggle with comparing myself to others. It's something I've become very aware about myself lately. I don't know why I do it. I compare my looks, my friendships, my marriage and my things. It just KILLS me. Once I start, it is almost as if I can't stop. I dig myself deeper and deeper until it feels as if I am at the bottom of a huge well. There the rope is too short for me to reach and pull myself out. Sometimes, if I am not too self-absorbed, I look around at the bottom and I see that Jesus is standing there with me. I ask Him for help and He invites me to stand on His shoulders so I can reach the rope. He helps me CHOOSE to get out of the well. Even though I know He's there with me, it's so hard for me to choose to get out of the darkness sometimes! In an effort to truly relish in thankfulness, I am going to list some things I'm thankful for :)

I'm thankful for...

  1. Ben
  2. my family
  3. 11 months of marriage with my best friend
  4. 9 year old hands holding mine
  5. people calling me "Mrs. Belz"
  6. being debt-free
  7. my car, Suzi :)
  8. my necklace Dad gave me on my wedding day
  9. my Bible app
  10. our down comforter
  11. flowers in our home
  12. peanut butter cookies
  13. hugs that last long
  14. smiles that light the room
  15. my wedding ring
  16. chai
  17. Ben
  18. my BU tervis
  19. humidity making my hair curl
  20. shampoo that smells like heaven 
  21. talks with Mom
  22. our apartment looking over the river
  23. waco
  24. our church
  25. Truth
  26. no babies yet
  27. new married friends
  28. encouraging texts
  29. anniversary trip planning
  30. my job
  31. my phone
  32. snapchat hehe
  33. slurpees
  34. drives with Ben
  35. skies prettier than paint
  36. late nights with friends
  37. Ben
  38. working with Sarah
  39. jean shorts
  40. my computer
  41. having a sexy husband
  42. dance with Dad at our wedding
  43. SUMMER
  44. colors
  45. felt tipped pens
  46. washer and dryer
  47. grace
  48. nail polish
  49. emojis
  50. JESUS. thank you Lord.
It feels good to speak thankfulness over yourself. I am thankful.

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