

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Dear Dad,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Woa, 47, you’re old. You’d never think it! First of all, thanks for being my dad. Not just my dad, but my friend and example. Thank you for being in my life these 21 years. I really feel so blessed when I talk about you because not many dads cared to be as involved as you. It really means a lot to me. The other day I was asked one thing that my dad has taught me or led by example and I really couldn’t think of just one thing. I eventually nailed it to choice. I have the choice to be sad and dwell on something, or I have the choice to move on and make the best out of every situation. Thanks for being such an example, a godly example, that I couldn’t think of one thing easily. I told my friend that my life is comprised of so many things and beliefs that are the same as my parents. I’m grateful for that. Life is full of choices. It’s the choices that we make that either keep us focused on ourselves, or glorify Him.

I’m excited it is your birthday today, Dad. I love seeing how many people love you. I love hearing stories about how you have affected people. I love that the boys are getting baptized today just like I was baptized 6 years ago. I love that you led all of my brothers to Christ. You’re the coolest.

There are so many memories that are so sweet to me, Dad. I remember our “first date” to Lion King. I am thankful that you set the standard to how I expect guys to treat me. Thanks for treating mom well. I really don’t what I’d be like if it wasn’t for you. Your involvement and care has helped me become who I am today. I remember you swinging us around in big blankets in the living room. I remember you playing “chase” with us even though you were exhausted from working all day. I remember you always taking us to Wells Branch and the “Castle Park.” I remember bike rides. I remember you teaching me how to ride my bike. I remember you teaching me how to drive. I remember you tucking me in every night. I remember being scared at night and you staying till I fell asleep. I remember “Jelly Belly” when I had growing pains. I remember that one time I cried wolf and you got so mad at me haha.  I remember you comforting me when my heart was broken. I remember you going on dates with mom. I remember you driving me to TP my friends’ houses. One of my favorite memories is your prayer journal. I love the look of composition notebooks because it reminds me of your prayers. I remember how one time we were looking on the bottom of your closet and found boxes and boxes of prayers since you were 13 years old. Thanks for that. You’re such an example. Thanks forshowing what it looks like to pursue the Lord.

Dad, you are the most amazing man I know. I’m so proud to call you my encouraging father. Dad, someday when you can’t walk because of this disease you have, I’ll be there. I’ll push your wheelchair. I’ll hold your hand while we go down the aisle together. And Dad, when you can’t talk because of this disease, I’ll remember what your voice sounded like. I’ll remember you praying with me every night. Thank you from showing me what it means to love. Thank you for loving me greatly. Thank you for sacrificing. I can’t express my gratitude. You are the best dad I could fathom. I wouldn’t trade these awesome, crazy, hard, fun 21 years with you for anything. Love you so much Daddy.

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