So I'm listening to this podcast by Ben Stuart called the "gift of singleness" and I realize that I have been looking at this whole "single" thing all wrong! I've been allowing my hopes and dreams be a driving factor in my life, not giving them to the Lord and focusing on His plan for my life.
God has given me the gift of singleness so that I can promote an understanding of the reality that God is calling people out of the dark and one day it will be over. One day He will come. In 1 Corinthians 7, Paul talks about how singleness is a gift to secure anundistracted devotion for our Lord. Basically, the Lord wants to give us a new mindset about life and He wants to give it to us in a time where we are undistracted. And let's face it, dating is distracting.
I have have been given time. How am I gonna use this time? God has blessed me with the time I have had to glorify Him. God gave me a reality check today. HELLO KAMBLY, I DIDN'T MAKE YOU JUST TO GET MARRIED! Woah, duh. And I'm sitting there thinking but that's what I've always wanted! Well, not anymore Kambly. Jeremiah 29:11- "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord. I need to trust that the Lord is good and use singleness while I've got it! So obvious right?
The thing is, God has an awesome plan for my life and I so easily get distracted with looking behind me and not straining forward to the feast that He has prepared for me in the future. It's like this verse:
"But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead." -Phillippians 3:13
So, He has given singleness to us that we would live life right, that we would know Him deeply, make Him known and take into our marriage a lifestyle that is chasing after the King for His glory. God is faithful. And I always have to be reminded of that.
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