

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sleeplessness has been a commonality these days. I don't know what it is. Last summer it was the same! I would wake up every night last summer around 4am and text someone a random thought. I don't know why I did that, but it was fun.

I don't like being sleepless. Also, I'm not a huge fan of being a borderline insomniac. I like regular patterns. I like routine. I've been in Waco this summer off and on and I have found myself longing for routine again (hopefully that's a sign I'll like teaching). Every time I leave Austin, I yearn to go back. I yearn for my family and bosom friend. It's funny that I am saying this because if you would have asked me a few months ago if I was excited about going home this summer, I would have absolutely said "no."

There is just something about home that draws me back. Comfort, acceptance, forgiveness and love. The notion that no matter who I am at any given moment, I will be accepted entirely. What a lovely thought. That's God's kind of love right there. Do you believe God loves you? Do you really? I recognized recently that I didn't truly believe that God loved me. I always thought "Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so" but I attributed this love to my performance. God doesn't love me more or less if I have a quiet time or tithe or share the gospel. He loves me just the same. No matter what. I love to love and be loved. What a mind blowing, life shattering, heart exploding thought!!! HE LOVES ME! HE BLESSED ME! Oh my, my little heart with burst. He loves me. He loves me. He loves you...right where you matter what.

Go bless someone today, go love.

{via weheartit}

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